(photo by me, with my blackberry's awesome 1 megapickle camera)
It's been a few weeks since I started this challenge, and while I haven't really hit a major roadblock, it seems that getting under 200 pounds this week is going to require a little more effort. It may even mean skipping the pizza part of pizza and a movie night! Oh noes! Well, at least I'm healthy in other regards. For my health insurance, I had my blood taken and the results came back the other day. My cholesterol was an amazingly low 148, although the LDL level could've been lower and the HDL could stand to be higher. Everything was well in the normal range though, including my blood pressure, which was good.
I have a feeling though, that once I get below 200 it's still going to be just as hard to get the weight off. I really need to start running.
Eh. Running. I don't mind running, it's just not fun. I saw an ad once that said "I bought my first pair of (insert shoe brand here) because I wanted to look like a runner. I bought my last pair because I felt like a runner." I would have to say, over the course of my life I have never "felt" like a runner. Even a few years ago when I was running a lot and did a bunch of 5k's, I never "felt" like a runner. I felt like a big, awkward guy passing the old and obese people, but never going as fast as the "real" runners.
Plus, running for me is like a countdown. I start running and I'm counting the minutes, counting the miles, counting the blocks left until I'm done. It's not like riding a bike, where I love the actual act of doing it and could do it for an extremely extended period of time. Or even playing basketball, where the running actually accomplishes something. Running is just running.
But it's something I have to do. Blech.
Weight: 201.2
BFP: 21
Activity: Bike 16 miles
I'm with you. Always hated running without a goal other than being done running. Good luck busting 200.
ReplyDeleteBlech. Running. I'm going to try and run a 10k this summer though. I think that's like, 30 miles or something;)
ReplyDeleteOr like 6.something :) But that's cool. Good luck. I won't be running any sort of k this summer, because that would involve running.
ReplyDeleteI hate running. You know what I do like? Wii hula hoop.
ReplyDeletePfft. Wii-fit. Actually, I'm jealous.