I started a new job last week. Similar pay, much better benefits, better environment and more paid time off. Twice as far away. Overall win.
I sure am.
Now instead of a 16 mile commute I have a 30-32, depending on the route. The fastest way, which takes about 52 minutes in the morning, also happens to run along a "Class 2 Truck Route." According to Wikipedia, Class 2 means the truck weighs from 6000 to 10,000 pounds, or roughly a Ford F150.
In reality though, a Class II route seems to be a major thoroughfare for Class 7 or 9 trucks, which means trucks like this are grinding up the pavement like, um, something that's easy to grind. Mud, maybe?
Maybe I'm exaggerating a little. It does have a bike lane, although it's actually just a severely narrow strip of shoulder with "Bike Lane" painted on it. There are plenty of nice, quiet back streets to take though, so I won't be taking the "2" unless I need to. All in all it's a nice ride. Next week I'll start the horrific task of getting up at 5:00AM so I can be at work by 7. It will be worth it though, to get home nice and early. Avoid some traffic and whatnot.
Last week my weight was down to about 182 consistently, at about 18% body fat. I'm fairly happy with my weight, but I'm still way off on body fat. Oh, and this weekend was a total writeoff. I ate way too much and didn't run at all. Hopefully this weekend goes better, but I'll still have at the very least 150 miles of riding in.